Zero Hour centers around magazine editor Hank Galliston (played by Anthony Edwards). Galliston is happily married to his wife, Laila (Jacinda Barrett), until a mercenary by the name of White Vincent (played by Michael Nyqvist) kidnaps her. Desparate to get his wife back, Galliston sets off on hunt to find Vincent. Galliston and his employees and friends Arron and Rachel (Scott Michael Foster and Addison Timlin) uncover that in 1938, the Catholic Church appointed twelve new apostles in order to keep their greatest secret from the Nazi Party, a secret that could bring about the distruction of not only the world as we know it but of God himself. Each of the new apostles was given a clock that would lead to the next apostle's clock thus creating a trail to the Church's secret. Galliston discovers that Laila was captured so that Vincent would be able to fix any clocks that he found and were broken.
Hank Galliston, Arron, and Rachel receive news from the FBI |
My main problem with Zero Hour is the character of White Vincent. I enjoy a good villian. So much so that they are often my favorite character in a film or TV show. However, I find that White Vincent is an irregular character. I don't mean irregular in the way that he is insane and therefor unpredictable. I mean that the character is sometimes confusing to watch. In the first two episodes, Vincent is introduced as a calm, unflappable mercenary. However, in the show's third episode Vincent suddenly explodes in rage when Galliston spoke about the love he can see in his wife's eyes. Now I understand Vincent getting angry because Galliston hit a nerve, but this was a bit too far. The random explosion of emotion was in stark contrast to his normal attitude. The scene could be done better if Vincent's anger was more of a calm icey rage. That way, the point about Vincent's insecurities could be made without sacrificing the character of White Vincent. Too me, Zero Hour scores a 3 out of 5 stars. As always, thank you for reading!
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Don't be irregular
ReplyDeleteThis is awkward now cause the show was cancelled after only 3 shows